Website Privacy Policy

This privacy statement applies to the website of:

Just For Fun Extreme Personals
1375 Austin Creek Road
Cazadero CA 95421

We respect your privacy. This is why we have taken the time to disclose our information collection practices and our privacy policy. Please take the time to review this document.

Our website does not collect any information that can identify website visitors.

Collecting information provides specific benefits to our website visitors:

Data collected by cookies allows for better navigation, logging in for free email, tracking for compensation to this web site from third party vendors (which is how we keep this website online)and banner rotation. Please allow for cookie collection. No vistor personal information is collected or stored.

Who has access to the information we collect?

• Ourselves

Of the information we do collect, we allow our visitors the following access to the information:

The website does not collect data that can identify its visitors.

If you believe that our website has collected incorrect information or if you would like to dispute any information, please contact us using the address at the top of this page.